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Project Screenshot for My Deadlines Project
  • Nuxt
  • Vue
  • Tailwind CSS
  • localForage

What is Deadlines?

Deadlines is an offline tool I built for tracking deadlines.

Why Did You Build It?

While in school, I wanted a way to keep track of all the deadlines I have coming up. Online calendars and todo lists were too bloated for me, so I ended up making a minimal web app.

How Did You Build It?

For the first version of the project, I used Vue for the UI as I was learning it at the time. I wanted to store data locally, but still have a way to import and export data seamlessly, so I used the localForage library to implement offline storage. localForage provides a simple wrapper around browser storage APIs, so this allowed consistent cross-browser supported storage. I also built in the functionality to export and import data using JSON files with defined schemas to validate imported data. I started working on this version back in 2020.

Since Deadlines was the first project I built that people ended up using, I has a special place in my heart. I was made using Vue 2, which has reached EOL as of December 2023. This change motivated me to rework the project, which I did from scratch using Nuxt, localForage and what I have learned over the years about design & development. The currently live version is version 2.0.

What Tools Did You Use?

  • Frontend: Nuxt, Vue, Tailwind CSS
  • Storage: localForage
  • Deployment: Cloudflare Pages